Start the transformation today, let’s unlock that potential and get the results you want
Do you want to improve your business? Get the insight, strategies, tools and training for you and all your staff. We visit any workplace in UK or Online and also offer ‘Individual’ Coaching.
Life Coaching, Sales & Business Coaching
Arthur Ralph is a Certified Coach with an impressive record of success.
He is a Business Sales Coach, Life Coach and Mindset Coach and will provide bespoke coaching throughout the UK ( and Worldwide ) to meet your individual requirements.
Effective coaching can help you transform your life or business and ‘make it happen’ as well as having measurable results.

- I am a Certified Business ‘Sales’ Coach and will help any UK Business (or Worldwide) to increase their ‘bottom line’, make more sales and excel in customer service.
- Check out ‘Business Rewards’ in the menu also our Networking, Events and Adphone pages to help keep in contact with your customers and drive more business
- I am a Certified Life Coach, fixing the mindset of my clients to help them overcome any obstacles in any life situation (relationships, career, bereavement, weight loss or any challenge they have) to fully achieve their goals and transform their lives.
If you are a business owner who is interested in growing your business then I can help, the focus is on helping businesses who are serious about developing their company or growing a small business. I design programmes that align with your business’s individual and commercial goals and provide training on your premises throughout the UK, or Worldwide using Zoom.
Do you feel either personally or professionally that you are stuck in a rut?
Are you always looking for change?
Do you feel unfulfilled?
Do you have goals that seem unattainable?
Life Coaching can help you resolve these things, fully achieve your goals and can be provided by telephone, Zoom, Skype and in person wherever you live in the UK / Worldwide.
Let us help you be our next success story
We are the best, our clients love us but don’t just take our word for it…

Being ‘Multi Award Winning’ is part of our business model, equally important is ‘Arthur Ralph’, flawless. His support and very influential expertise on salesmanship has been fantastic.
Sean O’Connor – Managing Director
O’Connor & Co Removals & Storage
Why Arthur Ralph and PositiveBanana?
Top performer in Sales (100 plus people) winning ‘Dream’ awards consistently including 5 star Barcelona Ritz Carlton Arts Hotel all expenses paid holiday for him and his wife, including catamaran ‘live’ jazz band experience, flamenco show and luxury travel in limousines.
Positive mindset, the ability to motivate and coach any team to success.
Lord Alan Sugar gave praise and inspiration to Arthur with a great feature from Lord Sugar in ‘Biz Bureau’ Daily Mirror. More publicity followed from other newspapers, radio and TV. See the ‘About Me’ section to see how we generated publicity and how we can help you and your business be successful.
Great ideas including promotional Bananaguards, thinking ‘outside the box’ to create the edge over the competition, his business is now a leader in Sales Coaching, Business Marketing, Life Coaching and Mindset Coaching.

Arthur being presented with ‘Best In Sales’ Dream Award at 5 star Ritz Carlton Arts, Barcelona.
UNIQUE ADVERTS – Your Business Will Be Seen!
Advertise on a ‘SAFEBANANA’ Bananaguard
Full details (FREE UK P&P) are shown at the bottom of our ‘Adphone & Biz Networking page’
Our Coaching is First Class and covers many ways to maximize opportunities, it is well presented and highly effective in delivering results.
Receive Your FREE Coaching Call, Newsletter and 1 Month FREE in Business Rewards – Enter your Name and Email Address in the form provided on this page.
We are receiving fantastic feedback for our Sales Coaching and will deliver excellent training for your team no matter what size your organisation and specialise in customer service/sales coaching for staff working in Contact Centres and Call Centres. We work well with small businesses, arrange ‘networking events’ and look at ways to increase the ‘bottom line’.
- We offer ‘special value prices’ for coaching all your staff ( Worldwide using Zoom or We Will Visit Any Workplace in UK ) starting from only £697 (Fully Inclusive) – as shown on our ‘Business Coaching‘ page
- ‘Biz Networking Events’ and ‘Adphone’ is only £119 Quarterly and we include ‘special deals’ for CCTV/Limousines/Storage and Sales Coaching
- Life Coaching is very affordable and will be the best investment you make and you can have a free introductory call.
- We have a great connection with businesses and for anyone wanting to get into Sales we offer ‘Individual Coaching’ from £47 with guaranteed Interviews, a certificate and the best coaching available.
- Coaching can be done online using Zoom and Skype or if you wish you can attend our events. We will also visit any workplace in UK. Zoom / Skype offers easy access to our Coaching wherever you live in the UK / Worldwide
- Join ‘Business Rewards’ – We help any UK Business to keep in contact with their customers and grow their customer base through referrals.
We help you increase your ‘bottom line’, make more sales and provide excellent customer service,
Click the ‘Learn More’ button below ‘Elite’
- Join my ‘Elite’ team and you can make fantastic commissions simply by referring businesses for our coaching or events.
I look forward to meeting you in person and will do everything to help you and your business – Enter your name and address above, or telephone us now on the telephone number below.