About Arthur

About Arthur2022-02-24T09:46:26+00:00

Arthur Ralph is a life, business, sales coach, celebrity coach, motivational speaker and trainer.

Arthur Ralph

Inspiring people to success using the principles of ”The Law of Attraction” as seen in the amazing books ‘The Secret’ and ‘Think And Grow Rich’ he will shift your mindset to focus on positive energy so you can create boundless opportunities and he will show you exactly how to unlock the power within you.

Arthur started a corporate job in sales where his attitude and belief quickly moved him to the top of the sales team (100 plus people ).

Top performer in Sales (100 plus people) winning ‘Dream’ awards consistently including 5 star Barcelona Ritz Carlton Arts Hotel all expenses paid holiday for him and his wife, including catamaran ‘live’ jazz band experience, flamenco show and luxury travel in limousines.

Arthur being presented with award

Arthur being presented with ‘Best In Sales’ Dream Award at 5 star Ritz Carlton Arts, Barcelona

He was given great testimonial from Lord Alan Sugar when Arthur spotted a ‘niche’ website opportunity when he started his SafeBanana business …. ”It was all down to attitude and belief”.

Sir Alan Sugar, now Lord Sugar really liked the ‘niche’ SafeBanana and nearly a full page in the Biz Bureau of Daily Mirror was a great review … the picture took up such a lot of the page and the great Mirror headline ”This Guy Is Bananas”…. reading what Sir Alan Sugar  said “he was full of praise and gave sound advice”.

More publicity followed from other newspapers, radio and TV including BBC TV Look North, The Paul O’Grady Show, Jonathon Ross Show, Katie Price and Peter Andre, Coronation Street plus a live interview on Kerrang and other radio stations.

This Guy is BANANAS

Click photo to enlarge

The www.SafeBanana.com website had been noticed and the SafeBanana Banana Guards have now gone worldwide and appeared on many TV programmes including The Paul O’Grady show, Katie Price, Peter Andre and many more not to mention Kerrang who did a live interview.

Watch and listen to the Kerrang interview!

Arthur Ralph and his team at PositiveBanana will help your business to get more leads and more sales.
We think ‘outside the box’ to create more opportunities to increase your ‘bottom line’ and help build your business.

SafeBanana - Banana Guard

Attitude and Belief are what can make you  “Achieve whatever you want – Anything!!”

Visualisation and positivity were  key factors when Arthur was presented as the winner of a dream car Mercedes SLK200 Kompressor Roadster.

Arthur speaks at conferences, team events and workshops and has the ability to motivate, inspire and captivate the audience.

Get in touch

Would you like to book some life or business coaching or arrange for Arthur to speak at your event? Get in touch, call 07798 877571 or email amsralph@positivebanana.com